February 4, 2024

Run 28: Long Runs Are Easy Now


Not only did I have 14 miles today, but I slapped that 14 miles in the face. I felt good throughout the entire run, and was able to maintain a solid pace for the entire duration. feeling good going into week 8 of training.


The run today was 14 miles, which is a little longer than a half marathon. So it felt kind of strange to wake up and know I was going to run a half marathon today. I spent my morning getting work done, then at about noon I set off to begin my run. After some quick Google searching, I found out that after about an hour and a half of running you deplete your glycogen stores and need to eat to replenish those. I have never eaten while running, so this is a new concept for me. I bought a water bottle and a small snickers bar at the store and began my run.

Honestly, the hardest part of the run was the first 2-3 miles. My body was a little tight from running the past few days, and I could feel it a bit in my calves. But as the run went on, I felt better and better. After the first 7 miles, I ate half of my snickers bar, and could feel it after 15 minutes making a difference (this was around the 1 hour mark). Then after 1:30, I ate the other half of the snickers bar.

I could feel myself getting a little tired around the 11 mile mark, but finishing the last 3 miles was not as grueling as last week’s 12 miles. I was also listening to the podcast with Andrew Huberman and David Goggins, so that definitely helped keep the motivation high. All in all, I felt like a beast being able to tackle the run in the way I did.

Run Statistics

  • Total Duration: 2:05:50
  • Distance: 14.01 miles
  • Active Calories: 1821 kcal
  • Total Calories: 2069 kcal
  • BPM: 150
  • Pace: 8:59
  • Fastest Mile: Mile 9 @ 8:43
  • Slowest Mile: Mile 1 @ 9:11

Got suggestions or comments? Send me an email! contact@jakeruns.com